Sunday, 16 November 2014

Angry Man With Stella Can

Angry Man With Stella Can
When were you last okay?
So bulldog-eyed
So swift of stride
All your livelong, snarling day

Angry Man With Stella Can
Doing laps around Soho Square
So many wide-berths
From tourists perturbed
But though you'll grumble, you'll never care

Angry Man With Stella Can
Arguing with the tarmac
Though your words are coarse
And enraged by the sauce
I don't think you'll ever attack

Angry Man With Stella Can
Draped in your coat so grey
Is it the uniform
That impedes your reform
Or does apathy dress you that way?

Angry Man With Stella Can
Who had you been before?
A good man with a vice
And friends not so nice
Given little but promised more?

Angry Man With Stella Can
You frighten me, so you know
It isn't the can
Or the big, shouty man
It's in seeing where my life could go

Angry Man With Stella Can
If I could make you well
And if there was a way
To avoid your fate
Would you be kind enough to tell?