Sunday 12 October 2014


Love incapacitates.  Love Love Love Love.  Love renders me inert and vegetative and functionless and all I am left with is the ability to think and overthink and over-overthink and twiddle my beard and stare and huff and though I can formulate space and sounds and sights all that pulses through my neural passages is Love.  And all that passes through my veins and makes them flourish and slurp and bulge from my limp arms is Love.  Love brings my abilities down to the grotty curb then thumps my guts with a second wind and heightens all senses and consciousness.  Love makes me a superhero without an origin story.  Love has me running faster, playing faster, talking louder, thinking further and crying harder.  Love is a superpower!  Love brings me to the edge of the noose and Love makes me bat it aside and run away to my life which Love reminds me is precious.  Love tells me I Am Alive!  What a glorious reassurance!  It matters not that Love is unrequited because Love is a superfood and all of its variants are irrelevant because it is above all else Love!  Love makes me know myself.  Love shows me I am limitless in what I can do.  Love is sprawled on brown pages by dead dusty poets through the ages but not a second has passed between their pen and my eyes because I know what they are saying and it is Love and they are saying it to me RIGHT NOW, RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND.  Love can time travel!  Love can kill with a blink and turn people into Deities with one flick of a finger.  Love is God!  Love can make me fly and in a nanosecond ground me forever more.  Love rules!  Love is the emperor of the body!  Love is an immovable object not weathered by time or tide and gazing over the planets as the centuries flit by like seconds on a stopwatch to its heedless, eternal perspective.  Love is an elemental force that lingers on the air and refines and contracts and enters into a human and makes her a Goddess.  Love guffaws at my claim to atheism and catches me out on my knees, worshipping.  Love is a vendor of Tough Love, another sound nutrient as long as it is Love.  Love makes me better by hurting me.  Love makes me stronger by killing me.  Love is all and Love urges I live and never forget to Love.  Love is all-consuming and there is nothing else but Love is everything so I have everything.

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